At 9th we will have following speakers:
Dmitry Buzdin from Java User Group vs. Andrejs Mamontovs from .NET User Group will have a battle Java vs. .NET
(Language – Russian)
Java and. NET – two similar platforms in concept, two different worlds in reality. On stage we will cover similarities, significant differences, strengths and weaknesses of each platform. What tools are available for beginners from both sides. What's new we will see in the few month. And most importantly, we will try to share insight about way in which information is exchanged to provide constant platform improvements to provide excelent choice.
Tags: Java, .NET, BattleDmitry Buzdin – freelance software architect. Java User Group Latvia and Agile Latvia co-founder.
Andrejs Mamontovs is .NET developer.
Marc Evers and Willem van den Ende from QWAN will talk about "Promise is Debt"
(Language – English)
Most teams run into technical debt sooner or later – suboptimal code, design, and tests accumulate over time. The team slows down more andmore. It's a dilemma: do you tackle the issues right now? That willdelay the feature or defect you're working on. Create a workaround? Then you can finish your task, but in the long term, it will only make things worse… In this presentation, you will gain insight into the underlying dynamics of technical debt and you will learn some ways to break the vicious cycles.
Tags: Technical debt, QWANMarc works as an independent coach, trainer and consultant in the field of (agile) software development and software processes. Marc develops true learning organizations that focus on continuous reflection and improvement: apply, inspect, adapt. Marc is also co-founder of the Agile Open and XP Days Benelux conferences.
Willem van den Ende is a Dutch eXtreme Programming pioneer. Since 1999 he guides organisations in the introduction of Agile Software development as an all-hands person: coach, developer and facilitator. Always active in the local and international community, he currently servers as host of, the European AgileOpen conferences, open space host of XP Days London and co-programme chair of Software Practice Advancement.
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We would also like to thank our sponsors: Devtraining, 4FINANCE Group, C.T.Co. and Skype.