Highlights from Skype

Skype is for doing things together, whenever you’re apart. Our text, voice and video make it simple to share experiences with the people that matter to you, wherever they are. This holiday season will see millions of people using Skype products to spend time with friends and family all over the world. To make this possible we hire brilliant minds who are passionate about changing the world.

A Skype eye view: “I joined the Skype family in March 2012. It was a great opportunity and a serious challenge for me. I had been working as a software developer within different companies for the last 6 years, so I was really excited to become a part of Skype family. Being a part of Skype has allowed me to follow the latest trends in software, platforms and hardware devices, expand my experience in new emerging technologies and take part in the creation of innovative solutions. Skype actively facilitates self-development through different trainings and also supports university studies, which is especially important for me, as currently I am doing my PhD in Information and Communication Technology at Tallinn University of Technology.”

Inna Shvartsman, Software Development Engineer in Test 2, Root Tools & Porting, Core QE, MSc in Informatics, Tallinn University of Technology (2009)

Skype Challenge: To celebrate our partnership with DevClub, we’re running a unique challenge for all attendees to be completed by 3rd June. Impress us with your coding wizardry and you could be the proud owner of abrand new Nokia Lumia 920. Enter here to take part – Skype Challenge

Announcing 9th DevClub.lv

At 9th DevClub.lv we will have following speakers:

  • Dmitry Buzdin from Java User Group vs. Andrejs Mamontovs from .NET User Group will have a battle Java vs. .NET
    (Language – Russian)
    Java and. NET – two similar platforms in concept, two different worlds in reality. On stage we will cover similarities, significant differences, strengths and weaknesses of each platform. What tools are available for beginners from both sides. What's new we will see in the few month. And most importantly, we will try to share insight about way in which information is exchanged to provide constant platform improvements to provide excelent choice.
    Tags: Java, .NET, Battle

    Dmitry Buzdin – freelance software architect. Java User Group Latvia and Agile Latvia co-founder.

    Andrejs Mamontovs is .NET developer.

  • Marc Evers and Willem van den Ende from QWAN will talk about "Promise is Debt"
    (Language – English)
    Most teams run into technical debt sooner or later – suboptimal code, design, and tests accumulate over time. The team slows down more andmore. It's a dilemma: do you tackle the issues right now? That willdelay the feature or defect you're working on. Create a workaround? Then you can finish your task, but in the long term, it will only make things worse… In this presentation, you will gain insight into the underlying dynamics of technical debt and you will learn some ways to break the vicious cycles.
    Tags: Technical debt, QWAN

    Marc works as an independent coach, trainer and consultant in the field of (agile) software development and software processes. Marc develops true learning organizations that focus on continuous reflection and improvement: apply, inspect, adapt. Marc is also co-founder of the Agile Open and XP Days Benelux conferences.

    Willem van den Ende is a Dutch eXtreme Programming pioneer. Since 1999 he guides organisations in the introduction of Agile Software development as an all-hands person: coach, developer and facilitator. Always active in the local and international community, he currently servers as host of systemsthinking.net, the European AgileOpen conferences, open space host of XP Days London and co-programme chair of Software Practice Advancement.

Skype loves to challenge and check out who's the winner of the previous challenge!

We would also like to thank our sponsors: Devtraining, 4FINANCE Group, C.T.Co. and Skype.

Skype DevClub Challenge March 2013 Winner


A big thanks to all who participated in the 2nd Skype DevClub Challenge. We hope that you all enjoyed taking part and attempting to code your way to owning a new Nokia Lumia 920.
After reviewing all submissions (several times as it was extremely close!) we are happy to announce that our 1st DevClub Code Master is Karl-Aksel Puulmann from Tartu. Congratulations Karl, we will contact you separately to arrange receipt of your brand new device.
For those wishing to take part in future challenges we will be running DevClub challenges each quarter with completely new brain teasers each time.

Announcing 8th DevClub.lv

At 8th DevClub.lv we will have following presentations:

  • Eduards Sizovs from 4finance will talk about "SOLID principles"
    (Language – English)
    SOLID is a mnemonic acronym introduced by Michael Feathers for the "first five principles" identified by Robert C. Martin in the early 2000s that stands for five basic principles of object-oriented programming and design. The principles when applied together intend to make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintain and extend over time. Join to hear what SOLID is about and make it indispensable part of your daily toolbox.
    Tags: SOLID, Clean Code, Craftsmanship, OOAD

    Eduards Sizovs – Software Architect at 4finance is responsible for building a premier kick-ass financial platform speaking Java, running in the form of various products around the globe.

  • Girts Laudaks from Mykoob will talk about Team, Technology and Product
    (Language – English)
    Which is a bigger challenge in development process – working with technology or working with people? Lessons learned throughout development of Mykoob. How team and technology influence the product. What happens when human boundaries are reached and technology is failing?
    Tags: Team, Technology, Product, Collaboration

    Girts Laudaks – Co-founder of Mykoob. Go-to guy. Friend. Boss. In the middle of technology and people.

  • Maksims Rebrovs from Skype will talk about "NoSQL datastorage – myths and truths"
    (Language – English)
    Main points: What is NoSQL? What's the difference between using NoSQL and your old reliable SQL DB? When to use NoSQL? When not to use it? What problems you will be facing migrating from SQL to NoSQL? What NoSQL solutions exist out there? How to chose one?
    Tags: NoSQL, DB, Cloud, Scalability

    Maksims Rebrovs is a Senior Software Developer Engineer at Skype, member of Skype Calling team, developing and maintaining all Skype call-related features and components, including client-side logic, server-side components, DBs, gateways, cloud services etc. NoSQL datastorage is a crucial part of the cloud services his team is working on.

Don't forget to win Nokia Lumia 920 at Skype Challenge, it will be active until 4th March. And did you heard about C.T.Co's invitation for a tasty cup of coffee?

We would also like to thank our sponsors: Devtraining, 4FINANCE Group, C.T.Co. and Skype.

Skype Challenge Nr.2

We are currently looking for talented individuals to join our amazing team developing products that touch the lives of millions people around the world. Showcase your puzzle solving abilities together with coding prowess by completing one of our timed challenges. Its very straight forward – if your code passes then we will be in contact to arrange an interview* and the best code will win a Nokia Lumia 920!

Everyone can participate in this challenge (including those who participated at 1st one) http://www.skypechallenge.com – it will be active until 4th March.

Please contact Triin or Alexa within Skype Staffing for any questions.

Announcing Special edition Mobile DevClub.lv

At Special edition Mobile DevClub.lv we together with C.T.Co invite you to enjoy following presentations:

  • Aivars Ritovs from NFC team will talk about "How to start-up"
    (Language – Latvian)
    Stories and main points for IT guys: How to start-up your thought? Best latvian and world stories, NFC team and Aivar’s individual experience about products, platforms, team and start-ups development.
    Tags: Start-up, apps, solutions, NFC, NFC team, MyNfcteam

    Aivars Ritovs is the team leader for a Baltic start-up company „NFC team” that is out to build a world’s first NFC infrastructure for business and consumer solutions. His previous experience with NFC includes working solution with international cleaning service based on Nokia Phones and consulting several big operators on their NFC-enabled services. Currently, the NFC team is the partner for major consumer Electronics Company in launching the word’s first low-cost NFC phone. NFC team has several NFC products and platforms for B2B market.

  • Gusts Linkevičs from If P&C Insurance AS will talk about "Live tiles and Lock screen on Windows Phone 8"
    (Language – Latvian)
    Live tiles and Lock screen are one of the biggest advantages of WP8. You will learn what types of Live tiles exist and how to work with them from your application to achieve fantastic customization. Have you ever wanted customizable Lock screen with data you want? It is possible on WP8 and I will show you how.
    Tags: Windows Phone 8, Live Tiles, Lock Screen, ScheduledTasks, Background Agents

    Gusts Linkevičs is member of dotnet user group, Microsoft Student Partner and is passionate about WP8.

  • Aleksandrs Pliska from DPA will talk about "Mobile application development"
    (Language – Latvian)
    Nowadays the usage and development of mobile applications is fast growing and important part of whole IT market. Implementation of mobile applications in different business areas and solutions is becoming more and more integrant. This talk will be about DPA experience of mobile applications development in Android, iOS and Windows Phone environments. During the presentation I will introduce three DPA developed mobile applications (one from each environment) and will speak about the development process, key challenges and lessons learnt.
    Tags: Mobile Applications, Development, Android, iOS, Windows Phone

    Aleksandrs Pliska is project manager assistant at DPA Solutions Department. He has experience in mobile applications analysis and testing in DPA projects.

  • Dmitry Ivanov from C.T.Co will talk about "Difference in Cross-platform mobile development – native vs hybrid vs HTML5"
    (Language – Russian)
    Every developer thinking about doing something for mobile platforms, wants to maximize potential reach and cover as many platforms as possible. Cross-platform development seems to be an answer and HTML5 is the de-facto standard for that approach. What are the potential caveats of going cross-platform with HTML5? Why Facebook decided to go native with its apps for iOS and Android after trying HTML5 first?
    Tags: Mobile Development, HTML5, cross-platform

    Dmitry Ivanov is the Lead Mobile Developer in C.T.Co interested in various aspects of cross platform development with experience in a number of platforms, including iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

  • Lottery of iPad mini provided by C.T.Co

Please pay attention – this time we start at 17:00 and event will take place at Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte (RTU), 2nd floor, Mazā zāle, Kaļķu iela 1.

We would also like to thank our sponsors: Devtraining and C.T.Co.

Results of 1st Skype Challenge

Message from Skype:

A big thanks to all who participated in the recent Skype DevClub Challenge. We hope that you all enjoyed taking part and attempting to code your way to owning a new Windows 8 smartphone. After reviewing all submissions (several times as it was extremely close!) we are happy to announce that our 1st DevClub Code Master is Oleg Tsernetsov from Tallinn. Congratulations Oleg, we will contact you separately to arrange receipt of your brand new device. For those wishing to take part in future challenges we will be running DevClub challenges each month with completely new brain teasers each time. Good luck!

Team Skype

Skype Site Leader - Tiit Paananen and Skype Challenge winner Oleg Tsernetsov
Skype Site Leader – Tiit Paananen and Skype Challenge winner Oleg Tsernetsov

Oksana Topor - Skype Recruiter, Skype Challenge winner Oleg Tsernetsov, Staffing Associate Triin Kaljuvee
Oksana Topor, Oleg Tsernetsov, Triin Kaljuvee