Announcement of Functional Web focused 49th


Great hype starts around functional languages and how they fit in the web. In the modern world, needs have changed. Hundreds of thousand connections are not something rare anymore. Needs for languages and tools changed as well.
We would like to present the two, very modern languages – Elixir and Elm, that benefit each other in Backend and Frontend respectively.
And two experienced individuals will share their knowledge how they are using these technologies in production to serve millions of users a month.

Come to Functional Web focused 49th and be on the edge of new technologies for the Web.
Blaumaņa iela 3 – Browser Cafe at 24th November 18:30.

Agenda for Functional Web focused 49th

  • Boris Goriachev from will talk about: Еlixir in production, for 1.5 years, serving ~ 5 million unique users a month. How we got started, and why elixir? A walkthrough some of the apps, (push notifications for chrome, chat for readers, apps for statistics).
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Elixir, Backend, Realtime, Delayed jobs, Highload, Background jobs, Not delayed

Boris is Full stack (but mostly backend) developer at

  • Jānis Zaržeckis from Evolution Gaming will talk about Elm – a purely functional language and an ecosystem for better frontend application development. Let’s discuss different use cases where Elm may or may not be suitable.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Elm, Purely Functional Programming, Frontend development, Frontend performance

Jānis is a JavaScript lead at Evolution Gaming.


Our new sponsor ALSO Cloud keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
Java Developer
Test Automation Specialist
Temporary PL/SQL Developer

Geta Digital
 is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers

Scope Technologies’
aim is to make the “Connected Car” a reality, through providing innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services. They are looking for C# Developers

 is looking for:

Senior UI/UX Designer – Design the complete omni-channel eCommerce experience for US-based top 500 internet retailer!
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
Front-end Developers – We have a lot of HTML/CSS/LESS and Javascript work to do!
We promise – it will never be boring!


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:

Scope Colour Logo                ALSO-ALSO-Cloud-banner-Big


Announcement of Angular 2 focused 48th


What have Latvia, Malaysia and Nigeria in common? We all have great developers! And this time, we’ll touch a great and trendy topic which is Angular 2. But there is no fun, if we won’t place this topic along side with React, so we will do that! And you know what else is powerful and you should know about it? Typescript! This time we will have developers from different part of the world into one, united space.

Come to Blaumaņa iela 3 – Browser Cafe at 27th October 18:30.

Agenda for Angular 2 focused 48th

  • Ronalds Zarīts from Scope Technologies will give a talk “Angular 2 – a quick tour”
    Angular 2 has sparked your interest. Maybe you’ve worked with Angular 1.x and want to see what’s new? Maybe you’re new to Angular and would like to know more. You should come to this talk – Angular 2 is pretty cool.
    Angular 2 is full of interesting features, and is quite different from Angular 1.x. We’ll have a quick look at the basics, see how to get started, the types of apps you can build, and explore some of the more interesting features of Angular 2.0.(Language — English)
    Tags: Angular 2.0, Web, TypeScript, JavaScript

Ronalds is a developer at Scope Technologies where he helps build, improve and maintain the company’s SaaS solutions. Lately, he’s deep into Web development using modern technologies and tools.

  • Dzulqarnain Nasir from Geta Digital will give a talk “Introduction to TypeScript”
    Today, JavaScript is everywhere. We use it on the front-end. We use it on the back-end. And even in mobile apps. But as the complexities of your application increases, it’s important to keep your code under control before it becomes a huge mess. Enter TypeScript. This session is aimed at introducing developers to TypeScript, and why it’s awesome.(Language — English)
    Tags: JavaScript, TypeScript

Dzulqarnain is an aspiring full-stack developer at Geta Digital, who is passionate about web technologies. He writes at

  • Adewale Oluyinka will speak about React
    Facebook has been trying to convince us that React is the most awesome JavaScript library ever, so let us see if it’s worth our time. We will discuss what React is, the history and the future of React, benefits of using React and features.(Language — English)
    Tags: React, JavaScript, Web 

Adewale has been a full stack developer for at least 6 years with experience in SQL, C#, PHP, Java, Web and mobile application development including Android and cross platform development..

Intexsys is looking for:
Senior UI/UX Designer – Design the complete omni-channel eCommerce experience for US-based top 500 internet retailer!
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
Front-end Developers – We have a lot of HTML/CSS/LESS and Javascript work to do!
We promise – it will never be boring!


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
Java Developer (Full stack)
Senior .NET/C# Developer
Oracle, PL/SQL Developer


Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers


Our new sponsor Scope Technologies’ aim is to make the “Connected Car” a reality, through providing innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services. They are looking for C# Developers


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:



intexsys_logo  Scope Colour Logo

Announcement of Auto focused 47th


Choosing a car is hard, buying a good car is even harder. Feeling safe on the road is important, but if something goes wrong, it is crucial to understand every detail of an accident. This time, we will focus on auto-related technology & development that helps us to be safe on the road, don’t make us as fools when buying a car and also we’ll get an in-depth understanding, how accident reconstruction works.

See you at Blaumaņa iela 3 – Browser Cafe at 22nd September 18:30.

Agenda for Auto focused 47th

  • Aleksis Liekna from Scope Technologies will give a talk “Accident Reconstruction”
    When an accident occurs, it is vital to analyze the chain of events that led to such outcome, especially if the consequences are tragic. Involved parties, including participants themselves, their family members, legal institutions and insurance companies require information and we are doing our best to keep them informed.In this session we will present our advancements in accident analysis, starting with the basics of accident reconstruction and changes in market demands and ending with displaying geographic information in 3D space as well as using Google StreetView API to re-create realistic 3D environments.(Language — English)
    Tags: Accident Reconstruction, 3D Maps, Google StreetView, VR

Aleksis is a software developer in Scope Technologies with more than 10 years of experience in various software development platforms, currently focusing on .NET, JavaScript and ThreeJS.

  • Audience is welcome to try car accident reconstruction in virtual reality (see video) during breaks, provided by Scope Technologies
  • Albert Bušinskis from Squalio will speak about their challenges to implement Traffic Speed Control System in the Cloud using Machine Learning technologies.
    This talk will be about difficulties they have met on the road, and how they overcame some of them. It will reveal both – technical and management side.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Architecture, Azure Cloud, .Net, Machine Learning, SCRUM

Alberts Bušinskis (Garuda Dev Giri) – Yoga & Meditation teacher, IT enthusiast, software developer. Many years ago he had left a very good job in Switzerland and went to Indian Himalayas to practice Yoga. After he realized that Software Development is not different from Yoga, he came back to homeland trying to be helpful and inspiring.

  • Viktors Telle from will speak about his start-up from business and technical perspective.
    When buying a car, you usually see only half of it because 62% of 2nd-hand market cars in Europe have a hidden history.
    To solve the problem with hidden history, we have developed product which is a used vehicle history report service. System gathers data from various suppliers, analyzes them and provides users with report and suggestions on particular vehicle.
    In this talk I will describe the product concept and show the current and future architecture of the system.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: Automotive, Software Architecture Design, Microsoft Azure, Microservices

Viktors is senior full stack software developer, with focus on technical solution research and new technology analysis. Currently he is developing software using C#, ASP.NET, SQL, MS Azure and front-end frameworks such as AngularJS, RiotJS, KnockoutJS.


Our new sponsor Scope Technologies’ aim is to make the “Connected Car” a reality, through providing innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services. They are looking for C# Developers


Intexsys is looking for:
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
Front-end Developers – We have a lot of HTML/CSS/LESS and Javascript work to do!
PHP Developer – Always welcome 🙂
We promise – it will never be boring!


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
BI Developer
Test Automation Specialist
Senior .NET/C# Developer


Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers

Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:



intexsys_logo  Scope Colour Logo



“The SOLID software design principles” by Andrey Sklyarevsky from OK.RU at Architecture focused 46th

Announcement of Architecture focused 46th


Is SKY the limit? What if we gather 3 strong and passionate Software Developers into one room? And if all of them will talk about making your code better and how to push your project into beauty of software development? This is going to be ARCHI.. wait for it … TECTURE event that will make you say – “WOW”.

See you at Blaumaņa iela 3 – Browser Cafe at 24th August 18:30.

Agenda for Architecture focused 46th

  • Andrey Sklyarevsky from OK.RU will speak about the SOLID software design principles.
    Programmers make architectural decisions everyday with each new feature, a tiny fix or an overhauling refactoring. Unfortunately, a fashionable pattern-of-the-day or a cutting edge technology is often given undue emphasis, whereas a comprehensive quality picture is overlooked. We will discuss the symptoms of a rotting design and how to avoid them by applying the SOLID architecture design principles.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: SOLID, architecture design, patterns, principles

Andrey is a full-stack software developer with more than 10 years of experience with C#, .NET, SQL, Java and the web. Currently he is programming mostly in Java and JavaScript for the mobile web.

  • Valdis Iļjučonoks from Geta Digital will give a talk “Dependency Injection: Revisit”
    Building components and services it’s common if you will need some external dependencies to complete your work. Constructor injections is just one the mechanism of whole dependency injection topic. In this session we will be revisiting dependency injection principles, will look at common pitfall issues and recap some of most known anti-patterns.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Dependency Injection, .Net, C#, SOLID

Valdis is (Microsoft® + EPiServer) · Most Valuable Professional, system architect and web/mobile technologist in Geta Digital, Visual Studio ALM evangelist and passionate about F#. He writes at

  • Vitor Silva from Intexsys will give a talk “Clean Code – The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know”
    This talk is an introduction to the principles outlined by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) on how to write clean code. We will refactor code by exploring the foundations of building clean software, learning core concepts along the way.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Clean-Code, TDD, FIRST

Vitor is a Sr. Web Developer @Intexsys passionate about Software architecture & Design. Current Development stack is Symfony, ElasticSearch and RabbitMQ.


Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers


Intexsys is looking for:
PHP Developers
Front-end Developers
Senior Android Developer
We promise – it will never be boring!


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
Java Developer
.NET/C# Developer
Data Scientist

Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:

  Intrum_logo_60mm_DOCgeta_ehandel_logo4_cut    intexsys_logo 

“Isomorphic Real-time JavaScript framework Headland for web and mobile apps” by Danko Aleksejevs from VeryPositive at Node.js focused 45th

Announcement of Node.js focused 45th


Let’s rise quite a familiar topic to the new heights!
We will talk about Node.js and how to do real-time things with it in your project. We will also try to get an answer to the question “why its good to build your framework?” If it still did not convince you, how about that – this time, we will be in an entirely different but very cool place – Browser Cafe.

Please pay attention that this time we meet at Blaumaņa iela 3 – Browser Cafe at 21st July 18:30.

Agenda for Node.js focused 45th

  • Sergey Grib Team architect from Intexsys will give a talk “Building real-time auction with Node.js, & RabbitMQ “
    In the talk, we’ll share our experience in building and scaling real-time bidding system for an auction site with huge load spikes, which now handles hundreds of simultaneous bidders. We’ll talk about implementing bid propagation through, handling various issues, tracking statistics and stress-testing the system.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: real-time, Node.js,, RabbitMQ

Sergey is in Web software development since 2005, has master degree in computer science. Currently working as Software Architect at Intexsys. His main focus is E-commerce projects and business management systems for mid and large size clients. Technology-wise, Sergey is mostly working with PHP, Symfony2, ElasticSearch, NodeJs and RabbitMQ.

  • Jānis Gruzis from Kotique will give a talk “Real-time communication with Node.js”
    In this talk Jānis will talk about real time application in Node.JS and the technologies that help to implement them – Socket.IO, Express.JS.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: real-time, Node.JS, Socket.IO, Express.JS, JavaScript

Jānis has finished LU computer science faculty. Has worked on large scale international projects as a senior developer with real-time components. Contributes into young people education by leading KJPS school and creating systems for improvement of programming education in Latvia.

  • Danko Aleksejevs from VeryPositive will talk about their new isomorphic real-time JavaScript framework Headland for web and mobile apps, why it was made and how it’s different from the thousands of JS frameworks out there.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Headland, JavaScript, Node.js, Real-time, Web, Cordova

Danko co-founded VeryPositive in 2006 and has coordinated the development of many large-scale web applications since then. VeryPositive have often been the early adopters of new technology and now they’re looking for early adopters themselves.


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
Qlikview Developer
System Analyst (in Sweden)
Front-End Developer


Our new sponsor Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers


Intexsys is looking for:
PHP Developers
Front-end Developers
Senior Android Developer
We promise – it will never be boring!


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:

  Intrum_logo_60mm_DOCgeta_ehandel_logo4_cut    intexsys_logo 

Announcement of E-commerce focused 44th


Many of us want to sell stuff online, but not so many have knowledge how to do that. Therefore we invited people with huge hands-on experience in e-commerce site development to share insights.

Please pay attention that this time we meet at Vienības gatve 109 (Unity Biznesa centrs) floor at 16th June 18:30 and be ready to stay for Afterparty at the roof terrace (same building) at Intexsys office to celebrate’s 4th birthday 🙂

Agenda for E-commerce focused 44th

  • Raitis Zvejnieks from Mediaparks will give a talk “Differences of open source e-commerce platforms”
    In this talk Raitis will talk about advances and cons of architectural approach of most popular open source e-commerce platforms.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: e-commerce, Hikashop, Woocommerce, Prestashop, Magento, OpenCart, Sylius

Raitis has finished LU computer science faculty. From 1994 is in business of software development. More than last 10 years owns and leads Business instruments and more than last 7 years owns and leads Mediaparks and also works with system architecture.

  • Dmitry Balabka from Intexsys will talk about “E-commerce Search”
    Search is the cornerstone of online shopping. I will share our experience on creating cutting-edge site search functionality and will reflect on achieved results.
    You will learn about developing auto-suggest, search result pages, faceted navigation and much more.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: e-commerce, search

Dmitry has more than 8 years WEB developing experience for different business spheres. Current occupation is Software Architect at Intexsys, working on large E-commerce project.

  • Nikita Tihonov from Intexsys will give a talk “Latvian e-commerce – what’s next?”
    What is going to happen to Latvian e-commerce market tomorrow? Which technologies and economic tendencies affect e-commerce business and how? What businessmen and developers should be prepared to?
    Nikita will share unique experience on succeeding in US online retail market and will draw a business and technological roadmap for local e-shops to pursue.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: e-commerce, gap analysis, business, technology, Latvia, USA

Nikita is Product Owner at Intexsys, currently leading 3 teams, which are developing a complex e-commerce platform. He has 6 years of project management experience in IT, E-commerce and Forex.

    It has been almost a year since we’ve visited Intexsys roof terrace (same building as the conference). Intexsys is inviting everyone again to join us for an Afterparty at the terrace. As always, free beer, snacks and interesting conversations will be waiting for you!



Intexsys is looking for:
PHP Developers
Front-end Developers
Senior Android Developer
We promise – it will never be boring!


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
Senior .NET/C# Developer
BI Analyst
Front-End Developer


Our new sponsor Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for .NET Web Developers in Riga.


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:

  Intrum_logo_60mm_DOC    intexsys_logo geta_ehandel_logo4_cut