JavaScript unit tests with QUnit – Dace Zariņa

QUnit is a library which helps to write unit tests for JavaScript code. QUnit is used by the jQuery, jQuey UI and jQuery Mobile projects and is capable of testing any generic JavaScript code. In presentation will be shown main things which are needed to write JavaScript unit tests with QUnit as well as some JavaScript unit tests. During presentation also will be shown what good things QUnit can offer to developer.

Announcing 2nd

    It is time to meet for 2nd The main goal of DevClub is bringing people together to discuss different topics, getting input from all participants and of course from speakers. The second gathering takes place on July 19th at 19.00 at TechHub Riga  
    Topics for the second meeting are: Oleg Anastasyev from will talk about "Odnoklassniki. Surviving the High Load. Architecture."
    In this presentation we'll overview architecture of We'll describe main components and technologies working under the hood in order to build a high performance, scalable internet site, making it able to serve 5 million of concurrent users. We'll tell what data storage technologies we use and how to squeeze most of performance from your SQL servers. We also tell how is it like to operate highly loaded system and what tricks we use in our day to day life to make even better.
    Dace Zariņa from Idea Port Riga will talk about "JavaScript unit tests with QUnit"
    QUnit is a library which helps to write unit tests for JavaScript code. QUnit is used by the jQuery, jQuey UI and jQuery Mobile projects and is capable of testing any generic JavaScript code. In presentation will be shown main things which are needed to write JavaScript unit tests with QUnit as well as some JavaScript unit tests. During presentation also will be shown what good things QUnit can offer to developer.
    Andrei Solntsev from Codeborne will talk about "Church of St.Agile"
    There is a lot of agile preachers arguing that it is time to abandon the "traditional approach" and work in new ways. Do they really want to make our lives better or just make the dough? Is it possible to produce software without bugs? Is it possible to write code without documentation? Is it possible to dispense with architects and analysts? Does Agile really work, or it's just another buzzword?