Odnoklassniki. Surviving the High Load. Architecture – Oleg Anastasyev

Oleg started with history of project "Odnoklassniki", which born in 2002 and for now have 130m registred users. Project is written mainly in Java and database is working on MS SQL 2005. In general presentation was about technologies in differnet layers of project which helps keep all the 5m users online. Was discussed cons and pros of different parts of solutions which was used and some was replaced in past of project, caching (really lot of cahce), project monitoring solutions, deployment, statistics and others.

JavaScript unit tests with QUnit – Dace Zariņa

QUnit is a library which helps to write unit tests for JavaScript code. QUnit is used by the jQuery, jQuey UI and jQuery Mobile projects and is capable of testing any generic JavaScript code. In presentation will be shown main things which are needed to write JavaScript unit tests with QUnit as well as some JavaScript unit tests. During presentation also will be shown what good things QUnit can offer to developer.

Church of St.Agile – Andrei Solntsev

There is a lot of agile preachers arguing that it is time to abandon the "traditional approach" and work in new ways. Do they really want to make our lives better or just make the dough? Is it possible to produce software without bugs? Is it possible to write code without documentation? Is it possible to dispense with architects and analysts? Does Agile really work, or it's just another buzzword?

Sell in 200msec? – Darja Krushevskaja

Дарья Крушевская с рассказом о том как происходит естественный отбор в мире онлайн рекламы. Место для рекламы на сайте должно продать за 200мс – это время, пока открывается страница. За эти 200мс должно произойти уйма всяких действий – аукционы, алгоритмы, и ещё куча всякой всячины – смотрите видео!

Real-life unit tests

Все презентации и статьи про юнит-тесты ограничиваются простыми примерами: факториал, числа фибоначчи, игра в боулинг. В жизни всё намного сложнее. Я готов показать применение юнит-тестов на реальном проекте, в котором используется база данных, сервлеты и пр.