April would have started with the latest edition of “FrontCon”, if the world hadn’t stopped turning. While the conference is postponed till August, our beloved “FrontCon” speakers have decided not to wait and will share their insights on actual topics with you on the first remote devclub.lv meetup. You are welcome to FrontCon focused 84th Devclub.lv on April 8 at 18:00.
Please register in Eventbrite and we will send you the link to the VIRTUAL EVENT a couple of days in advance.
Agenda for FRONTCON focused 84th Devclub.lv
- Jemima Abu from Telesoftas will give a talk “Redux Middleware for React Applications”.
In this talk, we’ll use the Redux Observable middleware to connect actions and reducers in the Redux store and carry out asynchronous operations such as fetching data or periodically updating the state. This talk is suited to intermediate developers and requires prior knowledge of React and Redux.
(Language – English)
Tags: React, Redux, Redux Observable
Jemima is a self-taught Front End Developer and school-taught Systems Engineer from Nigeria, currently working at Telesoftas. She specializes in frontend architecture and particularly cares about intersectionality in the techspace and web accessibility. - Majid Hajian from Softiware AS will give a talk about “Parallel computing in frontend applications”.
Even though JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language, modern features like Web Workers, WebAssembly, Worklets, and Service Worker allow us to leverage multithreading computing to run tasks parallelly which at the end, makes the user feel like in a rainbow paradise! In this session, I am going to demonstrate my practical (seriously no theory!) experience running jobs in parallel for a javascript application that will provide a pleasant user experience and exciting development.
(Language: English)
Tags: Javascript, Frontend, architecture
Majid is a passionate software developer with years of developing and architecting complex web and mobile applications. He is passionate about web platform especially flutter, IoT, PWAs, and performance. He loves sharing his knowledge with the community by writing and speaking, contributing to open source and organizing meetups and events. Majid is the award-winning author of “Progressive web app with Angular” book by Apress and “Progressive Web Apps” video course by PacktPub and Udemy. He is (co)organizer of a few mobile and web meetups in Norway as well as Nordic conferences for mobile and Angular, Mobile Era and ngVikings.
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