Announcement of Data focused 61st


Let’s talk about data this time.

Come on December 7th at 18:30 to Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Data focused 61st

  • Edgars Francis from Scope Technology will give a talk D-Insight – An Analytics Platform for Analyzing and Characterizing Driving Behavior
    D-Insight is a powerful analytics platform used for Analyzing and Characterizing Driving Behavior, Driving Context, Insurance Risk, and Revenue Modeling. With powerful and flexible excel-like formulas it empowers insurance companies to analyse driver behaviour – how, where, when and under what circumstances insurance clients have driven.
    D-Insight is used by Insurance Companies to create their Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) products, and the platform supports both “Pay-As-You-Drive” (PAYD) and “Pay-How-You-Drive” (PHYD) product where the insurance premiums are calculated dynamically, according to the driver behaviour.

    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: SQL Server Analyses Services, Cubes, Warehouse, MDX, UBI, PAYD, PHYD

    Edgars is a Product Owner and Team Leader at Scope Technology. He has over 12 years experience in Software Development, and has more than 7 years experience in Telematics Analytics. His technical passions and specialisations include a Data Warehousing and Analytics Technologies, and Advanced SQL Server Technologies, such as SSAS, SSIS and SSRS.

  • Yury Nevinitsin  from  will share an successful experience of deploying Druid in place of MSSQL
    “Druid is a high-performance, column-oriented, distributed data store”
    I will tell how they solved the situation when MSSQL-based statistics system (50TB sized) became:
    – slow: average response time was many times slower than required
    – unstable: at peak hours it was up to 30 minutes late
    – expensive: expences for Microsoft licences could be millions USD.
    In Druid is used to store and query operational statistics for the last 2 years. At the moment we process tens billons records each day (hundreds gigabytes by size).
    Why Druid?
    We chose druid (among open-source solutions) because it promised us high-performance, scalability and fault-tolerance. All three properties were required, and there were no other solution at the moment of making decision.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Java, distributed system, fault-tolerance, column-oriented db, OLAP
    Yury is a senior developer at, working on statistics system back-end. In the past he was lead developer in Moi  social network.
  • Bogdan Ozerkin from SIA Dynatech will give a talk Log management in a Service architecture
    When you implement service architecture, there are many ways to screw up, one of which would be to miss out on debugging solutions. As you detect problems in your services, valuable insights on what’s going on “inside” should be available, in order to be able to react on incident and provide solutions faster. In this talk, I would like to dig in to the nature of logging, providing an overview on what it is and how do it in a Service architecture. Additionally tell You a story about how we created an Ad hoc solution for our infrastructure

    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Log management, monitoring, php, clickhouse, events

    Bogdans is a solution architect at Dyntach, whos in charge of DWH systems and Infrastructure support systems, likes to create weird solutions which actually work and are easy to support.


Did you know that Intrum Justitia Software Development Centre is going to have a new name from mid of December?
Intrum Justitia is looking for:
– Data Scientist
DWH/BI developer
– IT operations specialist


Did you know that during Cyber Monday Intexsys team supports E-Commerce platform handling over 300 requests/second?
Intexsys is currently looking for:
Senior Database Developer (MS SQL)
PHP Developer
– DevOps Engineer
We promise – it will never be boring!


ALSO Cloud Latvia keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people. In particular, they are looking for data nerd, errr… Data Analyst/Data Warehouse expert.


Did you know that Tieto Latvia has a various exciting open positions? JOIN one of our fantastic teams! Tieto Latvia is currently looking for:
Integration specialist
Java izstrādātājs
Siebel CRM atbalsta konsultants


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:
ALSO-Cloud               Tieto

Announcement of Pipeline Automation focused 60th


This time lets talk about Pipeline Automation!

Come at 23rd November 18:30 to Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda of Pipeline Automation focused 60th

  • Roman Shumkov from Intexsys will give a talk “Continuous Delivery Pipeline at High Scale”
    Lessons learned from implementing Continuous Delivery Pipeline using PHP, Symfony2, Behat, PhantomJS, Deployer, Docker and Bamboo.
    Some highlights:
    – Build Automation with 30+ hours of build time per day
    – Continuous Integration with 500+ hours of testing time per day
    – Horizontal Scalability
    – 20-30 minutes for code changes to be built, tested and delivered to production

    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: CI, CD, Symfony2, Docker, Behat, PhantomJS, Deployer, Bamboo

    Roman is a Software Architect at Intexsys with more than 14 years of experience in IT industry.

  • Arturs Bartusevics from Tieto Latvia will give a talk “Reusable Jenkins Configuration and Automation for Enterprises”
    – A problem with Jenkins setup and configuration in the large enterprises;- Conception “Jenkins + Docker + Jenkins Plugins + Scripts”
    – Getting Jenkins, which is ready to automate everything, in 5 minutes;
    – Setup of Automation with Jenkins as a repeatable enterprise standard;
    – Demo, demo, demo…
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: Jenkins, Continuous Delivery, Automation

Arturs is Senior Configuration Manager at Tieto Latvia, professors assistant at RTU, Unit of Software Engineering. Arturs has 9 years experience working with automation of software deliveries and implementation of continuous deployment and delivery processes. At 2015 has defended PHD diploma at RTU.

  • Dmitry Buzdin from Riga DevDays will give a talk “Continuous Testing at Scale”
    With the raise of Continuous Delivery test automation is becoming a norm rather than luxury. However, when dealing with high-complexity, large and modular projects you would be disappointed to learn that it is a challenge to set-up a fully automated continuous testing pipeline. The problems you are encountering are tool incompatibility and general lack of suitable solutions to scale out test automation processes. Imagine tens of thousands of automated test cases, which are required to be run for a product to be fully tested.
    During this talk Dmitry will answer the following questions:
    – How do you run your automated tests in a shortest time frame possible?
    – How do you know if your functional test coverage is improving?
    – How do you select and run the most appropriate test cases?
    – How do you get actionable insight from your testing process results?
    – How do you know if it is safe to release software package to production?
    This presentation will guide you though a journey of building and improving test automation pipeline based on Jenkins in a large telco organisation with hundreds of thousands test executions performed on daily basis. By looking at this example it would possible to see what tools are missing at the market currently and where test automation industry should focus efforts next. The talk will outline examples of micro services developed to fill the functional gaps. This experience would be beneficial and applicable in your next large-scale CD project.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Continuous Delivery, Automation, Jenkins

Dmitry is a software architect specialising in Java, DevOps and Test Automation. He and several of his colleagues, has founded a local consultancy company helping customers with fintech solutions. Dmitry is organising Riga DevDays conference, Latvian Java User Group meetups and Rig Test Automation Club events.


Did you know that Intexsys is behind online store, which is selling more than 1 000 000 different products?
Intexsys is currently looking for:
– PHP Developer
– DevOps Engineer
We promise – it will never be boring!


ALSO Cloud Latvia keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.


Did you know that Tieto Latvia has a various exciting open positions? JOIN one of our fantastic teams! Tieto Latvia is currently looking for:
Ruby On Rails Developers
Java izstrādātājs
Database Administrator


Did you know that Intrum Justitia Software Development Centre is going to have a new brand and name already in December this year?
Intrum Justitia is looking for:
PL/SQL Developer
– Test automation specialist
– FullStack .NET Developer/ .NET Programmētājs


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:
ALSO-Cloud               Tieto


Announcement of Large Scale Agile focused 59th


Agile practices has proven them in Start-ups and in projects for small teams. But can Agile practices be useful in Large Scale projects?

Come to figure it out at  28th September 18:30, Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda for Large Scale Agile focused 59th

  • Alek Kozlov from will give a talk “How to Make Goal-Oriented Objective Decisions faster”
    This session is an introduction into Make “Goal-Oriented Objective Decisions” (mGOOD) framework. mGOOD is systematical approach for making good money/decisions/lives systematically in our highly competitive, hostile and ever changing Business environment.
    mGOOD shows how your company’s Business Goal and Cost of Delay are positioning your company offerings on the market.
    mGOOD provide you, your team, your company with extremely fast guidance on useful strategies, needed skills, tools (eg. Scrum, Less, Kanban, SLA, ITIL) and risks that should be considered.
    It was useful for large organisations having many products, for organisation purchasing product development services from Software Development houses and was proved to be extremely useful for Public Sector organisations.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Business Goal, Cost of Delay, Business Agility, System thinking, Lean, Agile, Scrum, Less, Kanban, ITIL, Lean StartUp, Hypotheses, Experiments, procurement.

Alek is a Product Strategist and Organisational Coach helping organisations to decentralize control without losing economical alignment (translation: I’m helping leaders to earn good money, build trust in people judgment and not becoming a jackass-dictator)

  • Filips Jeļisejevs from Also Cloud Latvia will give a talk “Automating away your Product Owner”
    Is your project so large that Product Owner just does not cope? Are your business people not engaged? Do your stakeholders regularly miss demo’s because they are busy?
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Voting, Feature Prioritization

Filips – Agile enthusiast who has been a SCRUM Master before it was cool. Hobbyist of behavioral economics, has worked in companies big and small, but still a believer that biggest challenge in software development is people.

  • Kārlis Cinis from Tieto Latvia will give a talk “Scaling with LeSS”
    Have you ever thought about scaling Scrum? Scrum is nice and beautiful framework for one team – a team that is working closely together, is self-managing, cross-functional with T-shaped competences and has shared responsibility for team’s work. But what if you want more of this beauty? How should you scale?
    I will explain basics behind Scrum scaling framework called LeSS (Large Scale Scrum) and share some experience about implementing it.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: LeSS, Scaling, Agile, Scrum

Kārlis is Scrum Master at Tieto for almost 2 years now and has been participating in implementing LeSS in Tieto Retail Payments and Cards from the start. He also has over 10 years of experience in the role of project manager. Kārlis is passionate about hiking in mountains, running and having a long sleep on Saturday mornings.


FYI – For people who want to learn the deep roots of Agile – there are few places left to Advanced Agile Development Masterclass by Dr Alistair Cockburn. Use DevClubLV as a code to get 150 Eur discount.


ALSO Cloud Latvia keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.


Did you know that Tieto Latvia is not only always looking for a new talents but we also run various interest clubs? We are proud of our strategic board games club, motor-bike club, active lifestyle club etc. Join the team:
Senior Database Administrator (PostgreSQL or MySQL)
Product Manager for Database Platforms
Database Administrator


Did you know that due to Intrum Justitia and Lindorff combination there will be a new brand for the combined company? Intrum Justitia is looking for:
PL/SQL Developer with .Net skills
– Application and Database Administrator


Did you know that Intexsys is behind online store, which is selling more than 1 000 000 different products?
Intexsys is currently looking for:
PHP Developer
DevOps Engineer 
– Project Manager
We promise – it will never be boring!


 Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:
ALSO-Cloud               Tieto

Announcement of DevOps focused 58th


DevOps – is it just a buzz word or you can really do it? We invited three experienced guys to share their experience how they have succeeded with DevOps.

See you at 24th August 18:30, Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda for DevOps focused 58th

  • Ilgvars Jēcis from FinoTech will give a talk “Practical DevOps by a small team of devs”
    Are you in the project which needs ten thousand auto-scaled docker containers on Kubernetes in a multi-regional AWS deployment?
    Right.. we also have never done that. Nevertheless, you still might need DevOps ‘magic’ to deliver those boring everyday IT projects on time and budget.
    I will tell our journey with DevOps at a small IT shop and share tools & practices we have tried and which of them were useful and which were total overkill.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: keep-it-simple, lean, automation, ansible, postgres, google cloud, continuous delivery

Ilgvars is founder & developer at FinoTech. He’s been working in IT field for more than 15 years and still kind of enjoys it. Things he likes even more: cooking & eating, few sports activities and finally beer.

  • Daniel Houston from Accenture will give a talk “Building DevOps pipelines for scale: Supporting infrastructure for 1000’s of build pipelines with 4 developers”
    Everyone talks about how the want to adopt DevOps practices for building their code, but time and time again I hear “We don’t have the resources” or “We tried it and the developers found it more effort than use.”
    We’ll talk about how providing your own IaC platforms using Docker, Jenkins and Ansible can help the amount of projects your DevOps engineers can support scale nearly indefinitely; how it helps to educate your developers and how we went from some teams not even using CI, to it only taking a matter of hours to produce releasable binaries.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: DevOps, Jenkins, Docker, CI, CD, CM

Daniel is a DevOps Tech lead in Accenture Riga, he moved to Latvia from the UK in July.
Daniel was a part of the founding DevOps team in IBM, Cambridge, where he supported the build and test infrastructure, as well as producing tooling for the development of multiple enterprise level products. Through DevOps practices, Daniel managed to reduce the time it took IBM Cambridges documentation team to produce releasable deliverables from weeks down to a matter of hours.
Daniel worked in IBM for around 5 years, while he was there he took part in a number of patent groups, He is a named inventor on an Intelligent route navigation patent  and has some patents awaiting publish.

  • Chris Willmore from SaleMove will give a talk “Dive into Kubernetes”
    Kubernetes has burst onto the scene to become the pre-eminent containerized application orchestration system.
    Chris will quickly introduce you to core Kubernetes concepts, then dive into how at SaleMove engineers migrated 30+ services over to the system. We’ll talk about what worked, what didn’t, and how you can take the leap and get the most out of Kubernetes.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Kubernetes, Microservices, Distributed Systems, Containers, AWS

Chris is VP of Engineering at SaleMove, where engineers are revolutionizing the online customer experience. Chris began his career working in Silicon Valley and London with Yahoo!. After moving to Tartu, Estonia, he ran a small development firm building systems for Shazam (the worlds most popular music recognition app) (his team designed and built the content ingestion system bringing music, lyrics, and artwork into Shazam).
Recent cool projects his team has been working on:
– Incorporating IBM’s Watson to power recommendations for Sales and Customer Care
– Their customer engagement system recently went live on – You can buy a Tesla or SolarCity solar panels using their system.
When not working, he enjoys scifi literature and keeping his garden weed-free. For the past 4 years, Chris has helped run the Tartu Software Developers Guild.


BTW – we have bag of souvenirs (t-shirts, socks, water bottle, some more) from DevOpsDays Amsterdam 2017. Come, be active and you can be one of happy winners of some of them.


DevOpsDays Riga 2017 Program is mostly published and now is good time to hurry up to get Early Bird tickets before they run out.


Did you know that Tieto Latvia is not only always looking for a new talents but we also run various interest clubs? We are proud of our strategic board games club, motor-bike club, active lifestyle club etc. Join the team!
Send your CV and Motivation letter to .


Did you know that Scope Technologies provides innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services using latest .NET stack technologies?


Did you know that more than 20 teams are working on various software projects at Intrum Justitia Software Development Centre? Intrum Justitia is looking for:
PL/SQL Developer
– Front-End Developer
– .NET/C# Developer

Did you know that Intexsys is behind online store, which is selling more than 1 000 000 different products?
Intexsys is currently looking for:
Project Manager – work with largest e-commerce clients and Intexsys talented team
PHP Developer– as always, all level from Junior to Super-senior are welcome
Android Developer – work on creating best native Android e-commerce apps
We promise – it will never be boring!


ALSO Cloud keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.

 Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:
ALSO-Cloud        Scope Technologies        Tieto


Announcement of PHP focused 57th


To PHP or to large scale PHP, that is the question! 🙂

Please pay attention that this time we meet at Vienības gatve 109 (Unity Biznesa centrs) floor at 27th July 18:30 and be ready to stay for Afterparty at the roof terrace (same building) at Intexsys office to celebrate’s 5th birthday. 🙂

Agenda for PHP focused 57th

  • Sergey Chernecov from Intexsys will give a talk “Wake up, Neo! There are emails to send! Follow the RabbitMQ!”
    I strongly believe that small, self-organized teams make cool things and want to share my experience of working with incredibly gifted colleagues on building the system with PHP that sends about 1.5M personalized emails per day within an hour from scratch.
    Real-time segmentation, multiple data providers, monitoring and… you know… money.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: php, rabbitmq, elasticsearch, kibana, behat 3, messaging integration patterns, api, react, continuous delivery

Sergey is a Software Architect in South Park team at Intexsys, currently mostly interested in enterprise integration patterns, react, SOA, AWS. Favorite comedian: Uncle Bob Martin; Interests outside programming: quantum physics. Working in software development since 2006.

  • Roman Shumkov from Intexsys will give a talk “Application logging, monitoring and alerting at high scale”
    Overview of common problems and not so common solutions when huge amounts of large scale PHP application logs are getting out of control, but we need to maintain quality and react quickly on every error.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: php, elk, splunk, jira, alerting, quality

Roman is a Software Architect at Intexsys with more than 14 years of experience in IT industry.

    It has been more that a year since we’ve visited Intexsys roof terrace (same building as the conference). Intexsys is inviting everyone again to join us for an Afterparty at the terrace. As always, free beer, snacks and interesting conversations will be waiting for you!



This year we are organizing first DevOpsDays conference in Riga‘s history. Call for Papers is over and now Content group is working hard to make program live next week. If you are interested in DevOps, catch up Very Early Bird tickets before 26th of July.


Did you know that Scope Technologies provides innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services using latest .NET stack technologies?


Did you know that from June 27 Intrum Justitia Software Development Centre is part of a bigger group as two great companies – Intrum Justitia and Lindorff – have combined  to enhance service offering and innovative solutions?
Intrum Justitia
 is looking for:
BI Developer
– .NET/C# Developer
– Scrum Master


Did you know, that Intexsys is sponsoring DevClub’s afterparty at it’s awesome roof terrace for the third time this year?
Intexsys is currently looking for:
Project Manager – work with largest e-commerce clients and Intexsys talented team
PHP Developer– as always, all level from Junior to Super-senior are welcome
Android Developer – work on creating best native Android e-commerce apps
We promise – it will never be boring!


ALSO Cloud keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.


Do you know that Tieto Latvia is not only always looking for a new talents but we also run various interest clubs? We are proud of our strategic board games club, motor-bike club, active lifestyle club etc. Join the team!
Send your CV and Motivation letter to .

 Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:
ALSO-Cloud        Scope Technologies        Tieto

Announcement of Project Management focused 56th


All of us are involved in many projects. Some of us are happy how projects are working out, some don’t. We invited experienced guys to share their knowledge with different projects and improve our lives.

Join Project Management focused event at 15th June 18:30, Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda for Project Management focused 56th

  • Nikita Tihonovs from Intexsys will give a talk “Agile with waterfall: managing a corporate level project”
    Nikita will tell a story of a friendly business acquisition which turned out to be an enterprise-wide development project. In this speech you will see how to plan & develop in an agile way but report and control dependencies using old-school waterfall project management techniques. A real business case of a 40 million dollar company will be taken as an example.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Project management, Agile, Waterfall, Corporate level projects

Nikita is Product Owner at Intexsys, currently leading 3 teams, which are developing a complex e-commerce platform. He has 6 years of project management experience in IT, E-commerce and Forex.

  • Eduards Saļņikovs from Intrum Justitia SDC will share his experience about management of geographically diverse projects and lessons learned from running distributed development projects and what matters most if you would like to run a successful culturally diverse project.
    Content key words:
    – Software development in geographically dispersed, international projects
    – Work in geographically diverse teams
    – Integration of systems and teams
    – Cultural differences and barriers
    (Language — English)

Eduards is ITSM professional with 14+ years of technology and management consulting experience running projects with Nordic telecoms Telia, Telenor, Nokia, banking and payment infrastructure providers FirstData, MasterCard, Visa, Amex et al.
Passionate about establishing practices, fixing technology, building highly engaged teams and running projects to its performance limits. Specialties: IT consulting, ERP, cards and payments, technology agnostic architecture, system integration, management of geographically diverse projects, application of Agile SDLC practices in an enterprise.

  • Samat Galimov from will share his experience in managing a distributed development team of 9 highly independent developers in a news media startup (read: short delivery cycles, constantly changing expectations and ‘need tomorrow’ deadlines). Our project management toolkit have changed over 2.5 years, as did our DevOps toolchain.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Gannt diagrams for toddlers, Trello, Github, Slack, Webhooks, Notion, Google Docs &

Samat is a CTO for news outlet (React SSR Website, native apps for iOS & Android + tons of internal services and small side projects).

  • Sergejs Matancevs from Scope Technologies will give a talk “ for lazy in cloud project management”
    Experience sharing on how we in Scope Technologies have managed to make project management developer oriented or at least not painful for developer. Our project managers once allowed developers to organize project managements the way we developers want. What happened? How we’ve achieved minimization of administrative stuff? How we use as a tool for lazy project management.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Project Management, GitHub

Sergejs is experienced .NET and WEB developer and team lead at Scope Technologies.


This year we are organizing first DevOpsDays conference in Riga’s history. We have already opened DevOpsDays Riga ’17 Call for Papers – you are welcome to submit your talks.


Did you know that Intrum Justitia Software Development Centre is developing not only financial systems but also working on business intelligence using the latest BI technologies?
Intrum Justitia
 is looking for:
PL/SQL Developer
– .NET Developer (PL/SQL skills desired)
– Product Manager


Did you know that at Intexsys many people have gained enough experience to grow from Junior Developer to Software Architect position? Intexsys is currently looking for:
PHP Developer – work on exciting large-scale international projects with us, we have work for any level – from juniors to gurus!
Software Development Manager – would you like to manage multiple Agile development teams?
Android Developer – Join us to create native Android applications for e-commerce!
We promise – it will never be boring!


ALSO Cloud keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.


Did you know that Geta Digital is 1st company in the world with most EPiServer MVP members onboard and 99% of their projects are e-commerce? They are looking for
Front-end Developers
Back-end Developers


Did you know that Tieto Latvia has many exciting open vacancies as well as various interest clubs? We are proud of our strategic board games club, motor-bike club, active lifestyle club etc. Join the team!
Dynamics CRM Technical Consultant
MS Dynamics Junior AX Developer
PL/SQL Developer


Did you know that Scope Technologies provides innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services using latest .NET stack technologies?

 Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:
   geta_ehandel_logo4_cut   Intexsys
ALSO-Cloud        Scope Technologies        Tieto       

Announcement of Computer Vision focused 55th


It is clear now, that Computer Vision helps to drive innovation, from science, robotics to self-driving cars. And this time we will go from micro to macro approach. You will learn how Computer Vision helps in microscopy and how it helps to ‘read’ huge passing trans and wagons on a railroad.

Join Computer Vision focused event at 24th May (Wednesday) 18:30, Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda for Computer Vision focused 55th

  • Antons Mislēvičs from Microsoft will give a talk “Machine Learning in Image Recognition scenarios” (slides from presentation)
    In this session, we will start by guiding you through the most interesting recent developments in the world of Machine Learning in Image Recognition scenarios. We will then look at how machines “learn” and give you a quick intro into the exciting world of deep neural networks – perhaps one of the most popular machine learning algorithms today. Finally, we will discuss how you can introduce Machine Learning in your projects.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: Machine Learning, Image Recognition, Artificial Neural Networks

Antons is a Senior Consultant, Microsoft and Lead Researcher, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering, Riga Technical University. Joined Microsoft as a consultant in 2008. He works with SharePoint Technologies for over 10 years. In this time, he participated in various SharePoint projects of different scale and complexity in over 15 countries, designing solution architectures and supporting developers. Over the last years Antons is working closely with largest Office 365 Dedicated customers. He is also an active member of SharePoint / Office 365 Dev Patterns & Practices (PnP) Core Team. Antons holds PhD degree in Engineering of Computer Systems and is a regular speaker at conferences and community events.

  • Agnis Jakubovics from Apply will give a talk “CV projects and related issues”
    He will give a brief talk about AI/CV technology used in several systems regarding media and microscopy and brief insight of what issues we have faced when developed those systems.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Experience

Agnis is a Founder and CEO at Apply. He is innovative Latvian IT Entrepreneur creating Artificial Intelligence applications in the fields of Media & Science. He has more than 10 years of IT Project Management experience and has been working in Tieto, Lattelecom and Accenture.

  • Juris Puce from KleinTech Services will be giving presentation on actual uses of machine vision in combination with deep learning as for inspection of passing trains and wagons on railroad.
    Juris will provide information on what kind of tasks KleinTech Services and 4SmartStreets teams are solving as well as information on limitations of vision and deep learning and some ways to possibly overcome them by using common sense.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: Deep learning, Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence

Juris is a CEO of KleinTech Services, Partner in 4SmartStreets and a technology enthusiast with main focuses on finding ways to use technology in optimisation of different areas. The main expertise Juris has is in areas of DL/Machine vision and information security. Juris has more than 15 years of experience in technology and holds large amounts of different certifications, but more importantly has a lot of practical experience managing teams in related fields. Endomondo Challenge has finished. Please find here info about results and winners of challenge.


ALSO Cloud keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.


Did you know that Geta Digital is 1st company in the world with most EPiServer MVP members onboard and 99% of their projects are e-commerce? They are looking for
Front-end Developers
Back-end Developers


Did you know that playground of Intrum Justitia Software Development Centre is financial software? We are developing more than 20 finance related systems at the moment!
Intrum Justitia
 is looking for:
– Testing specialist
– .NET/C# Developer
– Oracle, PL/SQL Developer


Did you know that Tieto Latvia has many exciting open vacancies as well as various interest clubs? We are proud of our strategic board games club, motor-bike club, active lifestyle club etc. Join the team!
Junior Finance Process Lead
Business Services specialist
– PL/SQL Developer – send your CV to


Did you know that Scope Technologies provides innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services using latest .NET stack technologies?

Did you know that Intexsys has successfully delivered more than 50 000 development hours to its customers in 2016?
They are looking for:
Software Development Manager – would you like to manage multiple Agile development teams?
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
Android Developer – Join us to create native Android applications for e-commerce!
We promise – it will never be boring!


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:
   geta_ehandel_logo4_cut   Intexsys
ALSO-Cloud        Scope Technologies        Tieto       

Announcement of CryptoCurrency focused 54th


CryptoCurrency, Bitcoin and Blockchain have been buzzwords already for a while and many new FinTech start-ups are already building products using them. Banks acknowledged the importance of Blockchain. Which means you can be next who can influence this trend. And to help you we have invited guys with experience in CryptoCurrency to share their knowledge with us.

Join CryptoCurrency focused event at 20th April 18:30, Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda for CryptoCurrency focused 54th

  • Konstantins Vasilenko from Paybis will give a talk “High Level Intro to Blockchain”
    An overview of Blockchain technologies, Crypto Currencies, how these technologies have been developing in the last years, why there is so much hype right now and finally how these technologies are being and planned to be used in various industries.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Blockchain, Bitcoin, Industries

Konstantins is a Chief Operations Officer and Co-Founder at, Board Member of Latvian Blockchain Association and has extensive experience in Crypto Currency domain. He holds PMP and SCM certificates and has 10 years of IT Project Management experience as project manager in Accenture.

  • Yurijs Pimenovs from Paybis will give a talk “Technical Intro to Blockhain”
    He will give an introduction talk about Blockchain technology technical aspects like cryptography, protocols, APIs and scripting with focus on explaining how Bitcoin and other blockchain works and what they consist of.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Blockchain, Cryptography, Blocks, Bitcoin

Yurijs is a Chief Technical Officer at Paybis, blogger at , blockchain enthusiast since 2011.

  • Anatoly Ressin from AssistUnion will give a talk “Programming Smart Contracts on Ethereum”
    He will briefly cover infrastructure of the Ethereum platform, smart contract execution principles including the “gas economics”.
    High-level programming language for smart contracts Solidity will be presented with practical examples.
    In the conclusion we will speak about common problems that could be solved in our society using smart contracts, and why it is worth to learn smart contract programming now.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Ethereum, Smart Contracts

Anatoly is a Senior Software Developer at C.T.Co, Co-founder at AssistUnion, Board Member of Latvian Blockchain Association. He is a TSI ex-lecturer with more than a decade experience in teaching functional and logic programming and compiler design. Anatoly is a crypto-currency and blockchain enthusiast since 2011


If you are doing some sports or just doing some kind of physical activities to deal with sedentary lifestyle and want to compete with others or just have healthy and friendly motivation, join Endomondo Challenge and win prizes from Geta Digital, Tieto and Intrum Justitia.


Did you know that Geta Digital is 1st company in the world with most EPiServer MVP members onboard? They are looking for
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers


Did you know that in Intrum Justitia Software Development Centre we speak not only in English, Latvian and Russian but also write in PL/SQL, Java, C#, HTML, CSS, Javascript and other languages?
Intrum Justitia
 is looking for:
– Software Developer (PL/SQL and PHP) temporary position based in Italy (for 6 month)
– Oracle, PL/SQL Developer
– FullStack JAVA/Angular Developer


Did you know that Tieto Latvia has many exciting open vacancies as well as various interest clubs? We are proud of our strategic board games club, motor-bike club, active lifestyle club etc. Join the team!
Dynamics CRM Functional Consultant
Dynamics CRM Technical Consultant
Software Developer


Did you know that Scope Technologies provides innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services using latest .NET stack technologies?
They are looking for Android Developer

Did you know that Intexsys has successfully delivered more than 50 000 development hours to its customers in 2016?
They are looking for:
Software Development Manager – would you like to manage multiple Agile development teams?
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
Android Developer – Join us to create native Android applications for e-commerce!
We promise – it will never be boring!


ALSO Cloud keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:
   geta_ehandel_logo4_cut   Intexsys
ALSO-Cloud        Scope Technologies        Tieto       

Announcement of Authentication and Authorisation focused 53rd


“We will make Authentication and Authorisation Great Again!
It will be Fantastic!
It will be very, very good!
We promise.
It will be Yuge!
That is True!”
(Trump about 53rd

Join Authentication and Authorisation focused event at 16th March 18:30, Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda for Authentication and Authorisation focused 53rd

  • Mārtiņš Ķemme from Autentica will give a talk “Authentication and Authorisation”
    An overview of authentication and authorisation concepts as well as common pitfalls and security issues. We will start with authentication principles and common practices. Then we will explore security issues with different authentication approaches in applications and more importantly – identify countermeasures for them. After that we will look into core rules regarding implementation of authorisation in applications.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: Authentication, Authorisation, Security

Mārtiņš is a senior consultant at Autentica and has extensive experience in software development and IT process design. He holds CISSP, CISM and CPTE certificates in computer security domain.

  • Jānis Kūliņš from Tieto Latvia will give a talk “Client authentication in e-commerce solutions”
    In his presentation, Janis will try to describe current situation and technologies used in online payments, and clients authentication in particular. He will try not to dig too deep into technical details, but to explain basic principles of existing version of 3D Secure protocol and payment system working principles in general.
    Other part of presentation will be dedicated to upcoming changes in online payment industry. New 3D Secure protocol version, industry regulations and card scheme regulations will significantly change way how cardholders interact with payment system and online merchant. It create lot of uncertainty, problems, but also lot of new business opportunities and approaches for system development
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: E-comm, 3D Secure, Online payments, 3DS v2.0, Frictionless payments

Jānis is Senior Solution consultant in Tieto Latvia with almost 10 year experience in card business and e-commerce solutions. Janis specializes in 3D Secure solutions which are used for client authentication during internet purchases. Also he provide support for banks and processing centres during new ecomm solution implementations and day to day tasks.

  • Sergii Kulyk from Intrum Justitia SDC will give a talk Security Token Service and Single Sign On Minimal Viable Product with Identity Server for .NET platform
    In order to avoid re-implementing authorization and authentication functionality for each separate application and various portals; and later having challenge with decentralized access rights management; the team had a vision of centralizing access management into one identity provider (autonomous module) which would serve separate applications/portals where users would have SSO experience. As a result of outlined requirements and matching those to several potential options, team have implemented new Minimal Viable Product as Security Token Service with Single Sign On based on open source Authorization Server framework “IdentityServer3”. During talk Sergii will come through most significant puzzled situations on client and server both for classical MVC and modern SPA applications.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Security Token Service, Single Sign On, OpenId,   IdentityServer3, Authentication Flows, MVP, JWT, OWASP

Sergii is a software developer at Intrum Justitia SDC 3 years and last 2 years working for Byjuno payment system startup. He is using .NET tech stack since 2008 for Web and Mobile development


If you are doing some sports or just doing something to deal with sedentary lifestyle and want to compete with others or just have healthy and friendly motivation, join Endomondo Challenge.

Did you know that more than 160 people work for Intrum Justitia Software Development Centre here in Riga and most of them are IT professionals?
Intrum Justitia
 is looking for:
– Senior Java Developer
– PL/SQL Developer
– BI Application Analyst for Belgium (based in Riga)


Did you know that recent Tieto Card Suite solution performance tests results showed 10,000 transactions per second for the transactional flow routing solution, and 5,000 tps for the full card authorization solution at an average response time of 0.1 second? Tieto is looking for:
Business Services Specialist
Finance Controller
Master Data Specialist


Did you know that Scope Technologies provides innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services using latest .NET stack technologies?
They are looking for Android Developer

Did you know that Intexsys is behind one of the world largest Online Stores, which is included into Internet Retailer Top 500?
They are looking for:
PHP Developers – Junior, Mid, Senior – we got work for any level!
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
QA Engineer – Can you assure our quality?
We promise – it will never be boring!


ALSO Cloud keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.


Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:
   geta_ehandel_logo4_cut   Intexsys
ALSO-Cloud        Scope Technologies        Tieto       

Announcement of SQL focused 52nd


What Oracle, Microsoft and NoSQL have in common? They will all unite under one roof in the next event! We’ve asked experienced people in SQL field to share their knowledge.

Join SQL focused event at 23rd February 18:30, Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda for SQL focused 52nd

  • Sergejs Viņņiks from Intrum Justitia SDC will give a talk “PL/SQL legacy today: SPA UI application and automated testing with JavaScript.”
    Businesses which run Oracle-based legacy systems sometimes wish to move to a modern WEB-GUI, without refactoring the business logic written completely in PL/SQL. Demand for implementing iterative agile development comes often hand-by-hand.
    Sergejs will demonstrate two generic solutions, which have been developed by Intrum Justitia SDC to address the aforementioned topics:
    1. Hapio – the HTTP adapter to the Oracle 12c database, which allows to call any SQL and PL/SQL methods directly from the browser;
    2. Jasquel – the PL/SQL testing tool, which utilizes Hapio to help creating and automating PL/SQL module tests in JavaScript.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: PLSQL, Testing, JavaScript

Sergejs is an experienced software developer, mainly focused on the databases and PL/SQL during the past years, as well as on training teens and adults in both programming basics and advanced features.

  • Juris Rāts from Scope Technologies will give a talk “SQL Server 2016 – what’s new for developers”
    SQL Server has been around for decades. Lots of developers have used it at some stage of their career. However, most use it just as another data store. With the rise of NoSQL is it even relevant anymore?
    Well, I believe, it is. It still has plenty to go for, each version introduces new features and it covers a wide range of scenarios. And the latest version has some aces upon its sleeve. We will do a quick overview of what is SQL Server, then glance over some of the features of the latest version.
    Finally – some notes from the field. How to approach a SQL Server database on a production server.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: SQL Server 2016, In-Memory, Performance optimization

Juris is a team lead at Scope Technologies. DB wise his main focus has been SQL Server development and optimization. Lately has had some exposure to NoSQL in a couple of projects as well.

  • Aivars Kalvāns from Tieto Latvia will give a talk “A NoSQL journey in Oracle SQL world”
    A retrospective of over 15 years of product development and different approaches we saw and tried to add flexibility and extensibility to our products. Starting with extra columns for tables, different key-value stores and document stores on top of RDBMS tables and finally Oracle JSON support. I will look at tasks we were trying to solve and problems we introduced by doing that and how we tried to battle them.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: SQL, Schemaless, JSON, Oracle Database

Aivars is a software architect at Tieto Latvia and has worked on payment card software products for more than 15 years. He is using C++, Python and SQL with Oracle database and Tuxedo middleware to build online and batch processing systems. And Aivars loses sleep tinkering with the opposite needs of both worlds.


Tieto is an international IT company, it’s headquarters is located in Helsinki, Finland; more than 13 000 professionals are employed in almost 20 countries across the globe.
To join Tieto Latvia, please feel free to send your CV to or check our webpages and .
Come and see our stand at RTU Career Day on 2nd March, 2017

Scope Technologies’
aim is to make the “Connected Car” a reality, through providing innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services. They are looking for C# Developers

 is looking for:
PHP Developers – Junior, Mid, Senior – we got work for any level!
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
QA Engineer – Can you assure our quality?
We promise – it will never be boring!

Intrum Justitia
 is looking for:
– Senior Backend Developer
– IT Operations Support Specialist
– Sr. Business Analyst


ALSO Cloud keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.


Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:
   geta_ehandel_logo4_cut   Intexsys
ALSO-Cloud        Scope Technologies        Tieto       

Announcement of Mobile development focused 51st


What could be better than starting a year with a knowledge of the full cycle of mobile development – from prototype and animation, to the fully working application?
You are right! Nothing could be better than a meetup covering those topics.
This month, great mobile oriented speakers will talk about tools and practices that will help you in that journey.

If you want to be on board, come and join Mobile development focused event at 19th January 18:30, Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda for Mobile development focused 51st

  • Gleb Revkov from C.T.Co will give a talk “Practical Prototyping”.
    Effective collaboration between developers and designers has often been a challenge. Several aspects of software, like interactivity, animation or business requirements can be elusive by nature and therefore difficult to validate before they are actually built. Through many years of experience, we have found a way to build the bridge between both groups. And that bridge are prototypes. In this talk I’m going to share my experience with “Principle” prototyping tool and demonstrate how designers and developers can perform cost-effective software iterations before a single line of production code has been written.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Principle, Prototypes, iOS, Interactions

Gleb is designer with more than 8 years of experience. Quick idea validation through interactive prototypes and user testing are integral part of the daily activities. Previously Gleb was worked on projects like,,, government projects and others.

  • Artūrs Braučs from Autentica will give a talk “Ionic 2 app development – good and bad experience”
    Ionic framework is open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app and progressive web app development, built top of Angular 2, Apache Cordova.
    During talk, Arturs will share his first impressions, experience and few tips.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: Hybrid apps, Progressive web app, Ionic 2, Angular 2

Artūrs has more than 8 years experience developing web applications with Ruby on Rails, Javascript etc.. In recent years, had experience with iOS, Android and Windows Runtime applications.

  • Igors Nemenonoks from Chili will give a talk “Animations in iOS”
    Animations can make your app stand out as well as ruin the user experience. How to do it right way? Which tools to use?
    Igors will overview the evolution of animation techniques in iOS and talk about the purpose of animations in iOS Apps.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: iOS, Swift, Animations

Igors has more than 5 years of experience developing apps for iOS and more than 10 years developing for WEB. Previously worked in Odnoklassniki as lead iOS Developer and currently working as iOS Developer in Chili.

Geta Digital
 is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers

Scope Technologies’
aim is to make the “Connected Car” a reality, through providing innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services. They are looking for C# Developers

 is looking for:
PHP Developers – Junior, Mid, Senior – we got work for any level!
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
QA Engineer – Can you assure our quality?
We promise – it will never be boring!

Intrum Justitia
 is looking for Senior Backend Developer (Temporary position)


ALSO Cloud keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:

Scope Colour Logo                ALSO-ALSO-Cloud-banner-Big

Announcement of Start-up focused 50th


This December, DevClub will inspire you to bring your ideas to life. We believe that there are no limits for our community. With proper guidance, you can jump from idea to solution. That’s why we’ve teamed up with five great startup founders from Latvia who received more than 4’000’000 EUR investments, and they will share most important that they’ve learned on this path.
If you want your own start-up, you don’t want to miss this one!

Come to Start-up focused event at Monday – 12th December 18:30, Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda for Start-up focused 50th

  • Mikus Opelts founder of Giraffe360 and  will give a talk “My experience on developing a product that users will love and how to build business around it.”
    Will share knowledge of what are the mistakes that we have made in our business, what stands behind success and that includes story of why investors decided to back us with 0.5 million EUR investment before official product launch.
    (Language — Latvian)
    20min talk
    Tags: Business Development, New Product Development, Innovations, Sales

Mikus started right after the high school and in next 6 years built it in to leading interactive technology provider in Northern Europe. In 2015 founded Giraffe360 virtual tour technology company that raised half a Million Euro in seed investment round.

  • Eriks Nelsons, Co-Founder & CEO of Champick will give a “Why Champick failed first market entry and why succeeded in the second? Key learnings and crucial ingredients of high-potential startup in Latvia”
    Champick is daily fantasy football platform with more then 30000 users all around the world and successful market entries in Georgia, Hungary and South Africa.
    Eriks will share experience of attracting local angel investor money and failing once, then standing up again by attracting new foreign co-founders and investors, which led startup to successful launch in several markets globally. Will give his opinion about key ingredients to become successful from Latvia and why it’s not mandatory to be located in Riga (Champick team is from Liepaja).
    (Language — Latvian)
    20min talk
    Tags: Business Development, Case Study, Failing, Transition

Eriks after high school started his corporate career and in 9 years achieved to become International Marketing manager in PINS loyalty program with the biggest focus on Northern European and Asian markets. Since May, this year, quit his corporate career and become full-time Champick CEO.

  • Ernests Jenavs from Edurio will share the story of founding Edurio – a startup that helps schools find the hidden insights in student, parent and teacher surveys. Ernest’s story will cover the route from the idea and first unsuccessful attempt to create a prototype to having one of Latvia’s most exciting startups and analyse what factors have contributed to Edurio’s growth. He will talk about working across Latvia and the UK, attracting equity and grant funding (Edurio recently got a 1.9m EUR Horizon2020 grant) and growing the team rapidly.
    (Language — English)
    20min talk
    Tags: Start-up, EdTech

Prior to founding Edurio, Ernest studied decision sciences and worked as a strategy consultant in the UK. He has also worked as a freelance consultant, invested in and advised startups in the UK and Latvia and worked as an expert for the European Commission. Ernest is a member of the board at the Latvian Startup Association.

  • Marcis Gogis from Mintos will speak about building a company that has fundamentally transformed the concept of peer-to-peer lending, making it into the Top 3 p2p lending marketplaces in continental Europe with lightening speed.
    Within a year, Mintos has grown from a newly established and unknown platform in the Baltics to a fast-developing marketplace well recognized across Europe. To date Mintos has financed more than EUR 100 million in loans. Marcis will share his “hands on” experience of building Mintos from the ground up, including how the Mintos buisness model was developed and important lessons learned, for example, how they used MVP in order to gather validates learning and successfully develop the product further.
    (Language — English)
    20min talk
    Tags: Success Story, Peer-to-Peer Lending, New Business Model, MVP

Marcis is the Head of Product at Mintos, working with cross-functional teams to develop and implement new product ideas.

  • Jānis Kiršteins from Notakey will talk about starting a new company. From finding co-founders, to managing initial finances, to coming up with a product and finding external funding. He will share his experiences in these and other topics, from the point of view of a software developer who quit his day job without a clear plan ahead.
    (Language — English)
    40min talk
    Tags: Start-up, Case Study

Jānis has more than 7 years of software development experience. In 2015 he left his day job and in early 2016 co-founded a B2B security startup called Notakey. Currently it has distributors in the Baltic States and Finland, as well as partners in Switzerland such as Credit Suisse and UBS.


Our new sponsor ALSO Cloud keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.

Geta Digital
 is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers

Scope Technologies’
aim is to make the “Connected Car” a reality, through providing innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services. They are looking for C# Developers

 is looking for:
QA Engineer – Can you assure our quality?
PHP Developers – Always welcome!
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
We promise – it will never be boring!

Intrum Justitia
 is looking for:
Junior Java Developer


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:

Scope Colour Logo                ALSO-ALSO-Cloud-banner-Big


Announcement of Functional Web focused 49th


Great hype starts around functional languages and how they fit in the web. In the modern world, needs have changed. Hundreds of thousand connections are not something rare anymore. Needs for languages and tools changed as well.
We would like to present the two, very modern languages – Elixir and Elm, that benefit each other in Backend and Frontend respectively.
And two experienced individuals will share their knowledge how they are using these technologies in production to serve millions of users a month.

Come to Functional Web focused 49th and be on the edge of new technologies for the Web.
Blaumaņa iela 3 – Browser Cafe at 24th November 18:30.

Agenda for Functional Web focused 49th

  • Boris Goriachev from will talk about: Еlixir in production, for 1.5 years, serving ~ 5 million unique users a month. How we got started, and why elixir? A walkthrough some of the apps, (push notifications for chrome, chat for readers, apps for statistics).
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Elixir, Backend, Realtime, Delayed jobs, Highload, Background jobs, Not delayed

Boris is Full stack (but mostly backend) developer at

  • Jānis Zaržeckis from Evolution Gaming will talk about Elm – a purely functional language and an ecosystem for better frontend application development. Let’s discuss different use cases where Elm may or may not be suitable.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Elm, Purely Functional Programming, Frontend development, Frontend performance

Jānis is a JavaScript lead at Evolution Gaming.


Our new sponsor ALSO Cloud keeps doing awesome stuff and looking for awesome people.


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
Java Developer
Test Automation Specialist
Temporary PL/SQL Developer

Geta Digital
 is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers

Scope Technologies’
aim is to make the “Connected Car” a reality, through providing innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services. They are looking for C# Developers

 is looking for:

Senior UI/UX Designer – Design the complete omni-channel eCommerce experience for US-based top 500 internet retailer!
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
Front-end Developers – We have a lot of HTML/CSS/LESS and Javascript work to do!
We promise – it will never be boring!


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:

Scope Colour Logo                ALSO-ALSO-Cloud-banner-Big


Announcement of Angular 2 focused 48th


What have Latvia, Malaysia and Nigeria in common? We all have great developers! And this time, we’ll touch a great and trendy topic which is Angular 2. But there is no fun, if we won’t place this topic along side with React, so we will do that! And you know what else is powerful and you should know about it? Typescript! This time we will have developers from different part of the world into one, united space.

Come to Blaumaņa iela 3 – Browser Cafe at 27th October 18:30.

Agenda for Angular 2 focused 48th

  • Ronalds Zarīts from Scope Technologies will give a talk “Angular 2 – a quick tour”
    Angular 2 has sparked your interest. Maybe you’ve worked with Angular 1.x and want to see what’s new? Maybe you’re new to Angular and would like to know more. You should come to this talk – Angular 2 is pretty cool.
    Angular 2 is full of interesting features, and is quite different from Angular 1.x. We’ll have a quick look at the basics, see how to get started, the types of apps you can build, and explore some of the more interesting features of Angular 2.0.(Language — English)
    Tags: Angular 2.0, Web, TypeScript, JavaScript

Ronalds is a developer at Scope Technologies where he helps build, improve and maintain the company’s SaaS solutions. Lately, he’s deep into Web development using modern technologies and tools.

  • Dzulqarnain Nasir from Geta Digital will give a talk “Introduction to TypeScript”
    Today, JavaScript is everywhere. We use it on the front-end. We use it on the back-end. And even in mobile apps. But as the complexities of your application increases, it’s important to keep your code under control before it becomes a huge mess. Enter TypeScript. This session is aimed at introducing developers to TypeScript, and why it’s awesome.(Language — English)
    Tags: JavaScript, TypeScript

Dzulqarnain is an aspiring full-stack developer at Geta Digital, who is passionate about web technologies. He writes at

  • Adewale Oluyinka will speak about React
    Facebook has been trying to convince us that React is the most awesome JavaScript library ever, so let us see if it’s worth our time. We will discuss what React is, the history and the future of React, benefits of using React and features.(Language — English)
    Tags: React, JavaScript, Web 

Adewale has been a full stack developer for at least 6 years with experience in SQL, C#, PHP, Java, Web and mobile application development including Android and cross platform development..

Intexsys is looking for:
Senior UI/UX Designer – Design the complete omni-channel eCommerce experience for US-based top 500 internet retailer!
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
Front-end Developers – We have a lot of HTML/CSS/LESS and Javascript work to do!
We promise – it will never be boring!


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
Java Developer (Full stack)
Senior .NET/C# Developer
Oracle, PL/SQL Developer


Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers


Our new sponsor Scope Technologies’ aim is to make the “Connected Car” a reality, through providing innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services. They are looking for C# Developers


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:



intexsys_logo  Scope Colour Logo

Announcement of Auto focused 47th


Choosing a car is hard, buying a good car is even harder. Feeling safe on the road is important, but if something goes wrong, it is crucial to understand every detail of an accident. This time, we will focus on auto-related technology & development that helps us to be safe on the road, don’t make us as fools when buying a car and also we’ll get an in-depth understanding, how accident reconstruction works.

See you at Blaumaņa iela 3 – Browser Cafe at 22nd September 18:30.

Agenda for Auto focused 47th

  • Aleksis Liekna from Scope Technologies will give a talk “Accident Reconstruction”
    When an accident occurs, it is vital to analyze the chain of events that led to such outcome, especially if the consequences are tragic. Involved parties, including participants themselves, their family members, legal institutions and insurance companies require information and we are doing our best to keep them informed.In this session we will present our advancements in accident analysis, starting with the basics of accident reconstruction and changes in market demands and ending with displaying geographic information in 3D space as well as using Google StreetView API to re-create realistic 3D environments.(Language — English)
    Tags: Accident Reconstruction, 3D Maps, Google StreetView, VR

Aleksis is a software developer in Scope Technologies with more than 10 years of experience in various software development platforms, currently focusing on .NET, JavaScript and ThreeJS.

  • Audience is welcome to try car accident reconstruction in virtual reality (see video) during breaks, provided by Scope Technologies
  • Albert Bušinskis from Squalio will speak about their challenges to implement Traffic Speed Control System in the Cloud using Machine Learning technologies.
    This talk will be about difficulties they have met on the road, and how they overcame some of them. It will reveal both – technical and management side.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: Architecture, Azure Cloud, .Net, Machine Learning, SCRUM

Alberts Bušinskis (Garuda Dev Giri) – Yoga & Meditation teacher, IT enthusiast, software developer. Many years ago he had left a very good job in Switzerland and went to Indian Himalayas to practice Yoga. After he realized that Software Development is not different from Yoga, he came back to homeland trying to be helpful and inspiring.

  • Viktors Telle from will speak about his start-up from business and technical perspective.
    When buying a car, you usually see only half of it because 62% of 2nd-hand market cars in Europe have a hidden history.
    To solve the problem with hidden history, we have developed product which is a used vehicle history report service. System gathers data from various suppliers, analyzes them and provides users with report and suggestions on particular vehicle.
    In this talk I will describe the product concept and show the current and future architecture of the system.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: Automotive, Software Architecture Design, Microsoft Azure, Microservices

Viktors is senior full stack software developer, with focus on technical solution research and new technology analysis. Currently he is developing software using C#, ASP.NET, SQL, MS Azure and front-end frameworks such as AngularJS, RiotJS, KnockoutJS.


Our new sponsor Scope Technologies’ aim is to make the “Connected Car” a reality, through providing innovative, cost-effective and reliable end-to-end telematics products and services. They are looking for C# Developers


Intexsys is looking for:
DevOps Engineer – Chef/Puppet/Ansible lovers, we’re looking for you!
Front-end Developers – We have a lot of HTML/CSS/LESS and Javascript work to do!
PHP Developer – Always welcome 🙂
We promise – it will never be boring!


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
BI Developer
Test Automation Specialist
Senior .NET/C# Developer


Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers

Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:



intexsys_logo  Scope Colour Logo



Announcement of Architecture focused 46th


Is SKY the limit? What if we gather 3 strong and passionate Software Developers into one room? And if all of them will talk about making your code better and how to push your project into beauty of software development? This is going to be ARCHI.. wait for it … TECTURE event that will make you say – “WOW”.

See you at Blaumaņa iela 3 – Browser Cafe at 24th August 18:30.

Agenda for Architecture focused 46th

  • Andrey Sklyarevsky from OK.RU will speak about the SOLID software design principles.
    Programmers make architectural decisions everyday with each new feature, a tiny fix or an overhauling refactoring. Unfortunately, a fashionable pattern-of-the-day or a cutting edge technology is often given undue emphasis, whereas a comprehensive quality picture is overlooked. We will discuss the symptoms of a rotting design and how to avoid them by applying the SOLID architecture design principles.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: SOLID, architecture design, patterns, principles

Andrey is a full-stack software developer with more than 10 years of experience with C#, .NET, SQL, Java and the web. Currently he is programming mostly in Java and JavaScript for the mobile web.

  • Valdis Iļjučonoks from Geta Digital will give a talk “Dependency Injection: Revisit”
    Building components and services it’s common if you will need some external dependencies to complete your work. Constructor injections is just one the mechanism of whole dependency injection topic. In this session we will be revisiting dependency injection principles, will look at common pitfall issues and recap some of most known anti-patterns.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Dependency Injection, .Net, C#, SOLID

Valdis is (Microsoft® + EPiServer) · Most Valuable Professional, system architect and web/mobile technologist in Geta Digital, Visual Studio ALM evangelist and passionate about F#. He writes at

  • Vitor Silva from Intexsys will give a talk “Clean Code – The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know”
    This talk is an introduction to the principles outlined by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) on how to write clean code. We will refactor code by exploring the foundations of building clean software, learning core concepts along the way.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Clean-Code, TDD, FIRST

Vitor is a Sr. Web Developer @Intexsys passionate about Software architecture & Design. Current Development stack is Symfony, ElasticSearch and RabbitMQ.


Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers


Intexsys is looking for:
PHP Developers
Front-end Developers
Senior Android Developer
We promise – it will never be boring!


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
Java Developer
.NET/C# Developer
Data Scientist

Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:

  Intrum_logo_60mm_DOCgeta_ehandel_logo4_cut    intexsys_logo 

Announcement of Node.js focused 45th


Let’s rise quite a familiar topic to the new heights!
We will talk about Node.js and how to do real-time things with it in your project. We will also try to get an answer to the question “why its good to build your framework?” If it still did not convince you, how about that – this time, we will be in an entirely different but very cool place – Browser Cafe.

Please pay attention that this time we meet at Blaumaņa iela 3 – Browser Cafe at 21st July 18:30.

Agenda for Node.js focused 45th

  • Sergey Grib Team architect from Intexsys will give a talk “Building real-time auction with Node.js, & RabbitMQ “
    In the talk, we’ll share our experience in building and scaling real-time bidding system for an auction site with huge load spikes, which now handles hundreds of simultaneous bidders. We’ll talk about implementing bid propagation through, handling various issues, tracking statistics and stress-testing the system.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: real-time, Node.js,, RabbitMQ

Sergey is in Web software development since 2005, has master degree in computer science. Currently working as Software Architect at Intexsys. His main focus is E-commerce projects and business management systems for mid and large size clients. Technology-wise, Sergey is mostly working with PHP, Symfony2, ElasticSearch, NodeJs and RabbitMQ.

  • Jānis Gruzis from Kotique will give a talk “Real-time communication with Node.js”
    In this talk Jānis will talk about real time application in Node.JS and the technologies that help to implement them – Socket.IO, Express.JS.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: real-time, Node.JS, Socket.IO, Express.JS, JavaScript

Jānis has finished LU computer science faculty. Has worked on large scale international projects as a senior developer with real-time components. Contributes into young people education by leading KJPS school and creating systems for improvement of programming education in Latvia.

  • Danko Aleksejevs from VeryPositive will talk about their new isomorphic real-time JavaScript framework Headland for web and mobile apps, why it was made and how it’s different from the thousands of JS frameworks out there.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: Headland, JavaScript, Node.js, Real-time, Web, Cordova

Danko co-founded VeryPositive in 2006 and has coordinated the development of many large-scale web applications since then. VeryPositive have often been the early adopters of new technology and now they’re looking for early adopters themselves.


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
Qlikview Developer
System Analyst (in Sweden)
Front-End Developer


Our new sponsor Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for
.NET Web Developers
Front-end Developers
Test Engineers


Intexsys is looking for:
PHP Developers
Front-end Developers
Senior Android Developer
We promise – it will never be boring!


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:

  Intrum_logo_60mm_DOCgeta_ehandel_logo4_cut    intexsys_logo 

Announcement of E-commerce focused 44th


Many of us want to sell stuff online, but not so many have knowledge how to do that. Therefore we invited people with huge hands-on experience in e-commerce site development to share insights.

Please pay attention that this time we meet at Vienības gatve 109 (Unity Biznesa centrs) floor at 16th June 18:30 and be ready to stay for Afterparty at the roof terrace (same building) at Intexsys office to celebrate’s 4th birthday 🙂

Agenda for E-commerce focused 44th

  • Raitis Zvejnieks from Mediaparks will give a talk “Differences of open source e-commerce platforms”
    In this talk Raitis will talk about advances and cons of architectural approach of most popular open source e-commerce platforms.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: e-commerce, Hikashop, Woocommerce, Prestashop, Magento, OpenCart, Sylius

Raitis has finished LU computer science faculty. From 1994 is in business of software development. More than last 10 years owns and leads Business instruments and more than last 7 years owns and leads Mediaparks and also works with system architecture.

  • Dmitry Balabka from Intexsys will talk about “E-commerce Search”
    Search is the cornerstone of online shopping. I will share our experience on creating cutting-edge site search functionality and will reflect on achieved results.
    You will learn about developing auto-suggest, search result pages, faceted navigation and much more.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: e-commerce, search

Dmitry has more than 8 years WEB developing experience for different business spheres. Current occupation is Software Architect at Intexsys, working on large E-commerce project.

  • Nikita Tihonov from Intexsys will give a talk “Latvian e-commerce – what’s next?”
    What is going to happen to Latvian e-commerce market tomorrow? Which technologies and economic tendencies affect e-commerce business and how? What businessmen and developers should be prepared to?
    Nikita will share unique experience on succeeding in US online retail market and will draw a business and technological roadmap for local e-shops to pursue.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: e-commerce, gap analysis, business, technology, Latvia, USA

Nikita is Product Owner at Intexsys, currently leading 3 teams, which are developing a complex e-commerce platform. He has 6 years of project management experience in IT, E-commerce and Forex.

    It has been almost a year since we’ve visited Intexsys roof terrace (same building as the conference). Intexsys is inviting everyone again to join us for an Afterparty at the terrace. As always, free beer, snacks and interesting conversations will be waiting for you!



Intexsys is looking for:
PHP Developers
Front-end Developers
Senior Android Developer
We promise – it will never be boring!


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
Senior .NET/C# Developer
BI Analyst
Front-End Developer


Our new sponsor Geta Digital is a international Digital Commerce Agency with offices in Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Netherlands and the U.S. They are looking for .NET Web Developers in Riga.


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:

  Intrum_logo_60mm_DOC    intexsys_logo geta_ehandel_logo4_cut

Announcement of Security focused 43rd


We think, that everyone who tried to build a website in Latvia knows While we where trying to buy domains and make load on their servers, they where trying to make it fast and secure.

And as a great addition we will get insights on what types of in-vulnerabilities are found in Latvian projects. Be smart and learn on others mistakes!

Come to Security focused event at Wednesday – 1st June 18:30, Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda for Security focused 43rd

  • Mareks Ruskuls from .LV Registry ( will give a talk “Mango – dynamic web from markdown files”.
    Using simple markdown files as content to serve fast, secure and editable webpage.
    How (launched) & CERT.LV (to be launched) is updating webpage without CMS as we know it.
    Presenter will also provide a comparison to traditional web development technology and how Mango approach can help keep web development more structured and improve security by eliminating unnecessary security risks that active components usually fail to do.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: web development, performance improvement, security, concurrency, no CMS

Mareks Ruskuls is a lead developer currently working in research and development department for Top Level Domain .lv registry NIC.LV. He has experience of multiple joint project with CERT.LV (Latvian National Computer Security Incident Response Team) and Web development experience for almost 10 years.

  • Agris Krusts from IT centrs will talk about most common web and mobile applications security problems found in systems made in Latvia.
    Statistics will come from data gathered in penetration tests. Most problems will be illustrated with examples and some will be real applications, but not from our penetration tests.
    (Language — Latvian)
    Tags: web security, mobile security, OWASP Top 10

Agris has more than 20 years experience in IS security, UNIX system administration and software development and more than 10 years in security training. From 2000 is consultant and owner of information security consultancy SIA IT Centrs; worked as security trainer for Zone-H in Latvia, Italy, Russia, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Korea; in 2004 founded online media company SIA Nerealitate which specializes in online crowd sourcing platform development, in 2012 sold crowd sourcing news and entertainment platform to Schibsted media group.


If you want more security, watch videos from previous security focused event:
– Baiba Kaskina – “Responsible Disclosure Policy”
– Veronika Harcenoka – “Cyber Security: Think Security First”
Major Gatis Graudins – “Cyber Defence Unit and daily life of unit”


Intexsys is looking for:
PHP Developers
Front-end Developers
Senior Android Developer
We promise – it will never be boring!


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
Senior .NET/C# Developer
BI/DWH Consultant
CEU Digitalization Delivery Manager


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:

  Intrum_logo_60mm_DOC    intexsys_logo


Announcement of Agile focused 42nd


Do you want to hear real life experience from Agile practitioners?

Come to Agile focused event at Wednesday – 27th April 18:30, Zaļā iela 1, 4th floor (Microsoft Latvia office).

Agenda for Agile focused 42nd

  • Hanno Jarvet from Jarvet Consulting will give a talk “Defining and executing a portfolio strategy”
    In a perfect world everyone in our organisation knows what and why it should be achieved, has clarity around which decisions need to be made by whom and has the necessary competence, information, resources and authority to do it. Usually this is not the case. I will share practical examples, tools and models that I have used to help organisations make progress in executing their portfolio strategy.
    (Language — English)
    Tags: agile, portfolio management, strategy execution, product development, organisational structure, hierarchy, networks, process improvement

Hanno helps companies to dramatically improve performance. Since 2006 he has helped dozens of companies and software teams improve their processes and productivity. He has worked with such industries as telecom, IT, outdoor media, government, non-profit, education, banking, insurance and energy.

  • Anastasija Petrjajeva from Intexsys will give a talk “Removing quotes from “Agile” ”
    Few years ago we’ve been claiming that we’re using “Agile”, but we had to put this word in quotes. This talk is about how we removed the quotes from this word and transitioned to Agile development process.
    (Language — Russian)
    Tags: agile transition, kanban methodology, development process, continuous improvement

Anastasija – CSM, Scrum Master in Intexsys from the very beginning of Agile transition (without quotes).

  • Filips Jeļisejevs from Also Cloud Oy will talk about two short topics:
    What are they hiding from you – dark(er) side of SCRUM – Have you ever wondered what your SCRUM Master knows that you don’t?
    Take a peek into the psychological mechanisms used (or abused?) in SCRUM!

    Building Xanadu – How would you build a team in the ideal world? Whats holding you back? Some bragging about real things done in real team in a real world environment.

    (Language — English)
    Tags: team building, scrum, psychology, management 3.0

Filips – Agile enthusiast who has been a SCRUM Master before it was cool. Hobbyist of behavioral economics, has worked in companies big and small, but still a believer that biggest challenge in software development is people..


Intrum Justitia is looking for:
BI Analyst
BI/DWH Consultant
Qlik View Application Manager
CEU Digitalization Delivery Manager


Game Insight is looking for:
– C++ Developer
– Unity Developer
– Back-end Developer


Do you want a job, which will never be boring? Intexsys is looking for
Senior Android Developer
PHP Developer
Front-end Developer
QA Engineer
More open positions available at


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to make events and have drinks and snacks:


  Intrum_logo_60mm_DOC    intexsys_logo